Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Prelim coming...
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Weekend family outing
Passion Pursuit Day & Greenlink senior farewell
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My Wednesday
My weekend and Harry Potter
Design a Maths Game Competition- PLATINUM

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_End of prelim...

Finally prelim for me is over... Which I did worse than last exam!!! The prelim exam is tough for some subjects like FM, math S and physics S. The physics S today is crazy one lor, set until so tough. Skipped so many questions that I still got a lot of time to look around while trying to redo the questions that I skipped. Hai... maybe I m not fit to do S paper. Don't have the talent of doing such questions. But who cares, I m only aiming for merit but won't be sad even if I didn't get them. Doing S paper for me is just to open up my mind and learn more things outside A level syllabus. The 4 main subjects are more important.
Didn't go out and celebrate with my friends after this prelim. There is nothing to celebrate when A level is just a few more weeks later. So I only went to west mall with Caleb and Junjing last friday to have lunch and then to the library where I borrowed 8 books in total (using my family member cards, haha). Also went for a swim that afternoon. The feeling of being in water again after a few weeks without exercise is good. I was humming the song "I feel good, da da ra rum..." while I swim 20 laps in water...

Ah bing || Monday, September 26, 2005