Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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_SAFOS tea session

Today, I went for the SAFOS tea session in Raffles City ballroom with my dad. Well, I didn't really intend to apply for this scholarship, but just went there to experience the tea session (haha, never went to one before) and to find out more about SAF scholarship as I might consider applying other SAF scholarships...
I would say that there are a lot of people who turned up for this event, around a few hundreds (that's quite a lot considering only males taking up 4 A & 2 S will get the invitation card). The high turnout was unexpected for the organiser as they have to add a lot more chairs last min to accomodate all the pple. First, there is the defence secretary giving a speech, followed by a video screening about 3 SAFOS scholars' story. Next, there is a sharing session by another 3 SAFOS scholars which 1 of them is Lieutenant colonel now. They told us about their life, from the time they gotten the SAFOS to now. The LTC even showed us his family now. Wow, their live ahead is like well-planned for them already lor. The scholars will go to study in university in August in the first year of army. Financial all cared for, from tuition fee to computer and book allowance and even full salary during study. They get 2nd Lieutenant after completing the OCS, promoted to 1st lieutenant after 1 year of study and promoted to captain 1 year after completing their study. That's quite attractive...
Lastly, there is a Q&A session. 5 officers went onto the stage and 1 of them happened to got 3 stars on his shoulders (that's the highest post in S'pore army and there is only 1 in S'pore for ur information). From NJC, Alvin and Keith asked qns. After that, there is the tea reception. Wow, (maybe I am suaku or what) I found it to be very high class. There are a wide variety of food (ard 20 types) and they are very delicious. The tea or coffee can be obtained from a table (with a waiter pouring for you), the milk and sugar can be obtained from a few glass tables. There are also waiters carrying a tray to collect the plates and cups when you are finished. There are also a few ex-SAFOS scholars walking around and talking to pple. The atmosphere is very good and it is an eye-opener for me. I also get a lot of goodies walking around the exhibition. The (rich) Navy one especially, giving goodie bag consisting of a towel, notebook, pen, navy map and a badge. Suo Huo Bu Qian leh!

Ah bing || Sunday, August 14, 2005