Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Design a Maths Game Competition- PLATINUM
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_Medical Review

When I receive that letter informing me that I have to go back to CMPB for medical review, I have a bad feeling about it. I started to ask around asking others whether they have also received a similar letter but none of them seems have it. For the past few weeks, I have been worrying and wondering what is wrong with me. I received the answer when I went down to CMPB today...
It lasted less than fifteen minutes, compared this to the few hrs when I went there for medical checkup. All I did was to sit there and wait while the clerk helped me book an appointment date and wrote a letter. What a stupid waste of time I must say! Why can't they just mail the darm letter to me? I was supposed to go down to Alexandra hospital three weeks later to have an echocardiolography. On a piece of the letter, it explain to me that they suspected something wrong with my heart. I was demoted to pes D (provisional grade) until three months later when the report come out. On the way home, I was wondering whether they have made a mistake? My family background only have cases of diabetes and high blood pressure. They must have surely made a mistake.
However, I was wrong. I discovered that my mum indeed has problem with her heart. It was only discovered last year when she went for medical checkup. I felt my heart sank. It is almost certain that there is some problem with my heart now. It is very depressing. Because if it is true, I will be definitely out of pes A and no chance of becoming officer in army. Since the army scholarship requires candidate to excel in officer cadet school, I will not even qualify at all. Army scholarship is the main reason why I took s papers and keeps me on going.
Hai, what to do? I can't blame my mum for that right? She also won't want such thing to happen. Now, I can only keep my fingers cross and pray hard...

Ah bing || Wednesday, September 07, 2005