Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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_Senior Farewell

On Saturday, Chess and Bridge Club celebrated the Chess and Bridge Day cum Senior Farewell with a BBQ party at West Coast Park. This is the first time this club organises a club outing. Though this outing is not well organised but it's a start to club bonding. For our batch, we concentrated a lot on training for competition. We did very well for competition but the club is not well bond. People from different sections don't really know one another, though I m an exception as I always go to other sections to play their game too during training. Just hope that they will not neglect training while having more bonding. The club booked pit number 15 in West Coast. If u go there for BBQ before, you will know that pit 15 is a very deserted area, around 600m away from the Macdonales and other game stations with lots of mosquitoes and ants. The food for BBQ is only hotdog, chicken wings, corn and sweet potato. Not enough for everyone too as each person can only get 2 hotdog and 2 chicken wings. There is no beehoon too. I have to go home to eat my dinner lor. As for the games, we played 15 mins of frisbee and rest of the time playing bridge (chess and BRIDGE club wat). Ong joined in too in playing floating bridge, telling us that he is not our teacher now outside school. There is also a prize presentation when the new presidents present to the seniors each a small gift. They purposely disturbed the old presidents a leaf with their names written on it and said that they originally want to prepare them a special gift but didn't as the fund run out. They then asked the old presidents to perform something and they chose "Twinkle twinkle little star". How boring! The new pres then present the actual gifts to them.
I m officially retire from Chess and Bridge Club already. Personally, I m glad that I join this CCA. In Secondary school, I join NCC and I felt that I achieved nothing in my 4 years there. I was a 1st sergeant but holds no post, the type that is redundant. Now, at least I got contribution in winning a silver and a gold for the school. Days without chess training is tough to get by as I used to look forward to these training sessions. Now, though I can stop attending all the trainings, my amount of free time didn't increase. In fact, it decreases. There are tonnes of homework to do daily. Couldn't afford to sleep at 10+ nowaday. I forced myself to sleep at midnight so that more homework can be done. Sigh! I guessed that's J2 life. Especially when prelim and A level is coming soon...

Ah bing || Monday, August 01, 2005