Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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_My Wednesday

Today, we have basketball for our PE. Not bad for me. Though I didn't play basketball for quite a long time, my skill improves in term of passing and positioning. My accuracy is quite lousy though, I can like shot 3 times in a row and the ball just refuse to go in. Towards the end of the game, an unfortunate incident happens- Chengyang sprained his ankle. We helped him to a chair and elevated his leg. Yingqing returned with a pack of ice a while later and helped him to put ice on his angle. Mr Goh (Chemistry tutor) also taught us during his lesson on how to tackle sprain ankle on knowing about this. He taught us RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate). Well, I learnt something today. =)
During Civic today, all the CIP reps and SPLs went to LT 3 to learn about the handling of wheelchair to prepare us for the Community Service Day. The speaker was from HWA (Handicapped Welfare Association) first introduced us to the different types of wheelchair and their functions. Then there is a demo on what we are supposed to do My friends Mingxian and Wangyi were called down to be demonstrators. The speaker told us that we should have some friendly talking with the elderly like "Ah pek, hou bo" (how are u) before asking him whether we can lift him to the wheelchair. He and Wangyi then demonstrate the correct way to lift an elderly (Mingxian) to the wheelchair. Mingxian felt uncomfortable sitting in a wheelchair that he stand up a short while after being placed in a wheelchair. The speaker then reminded him that he is the ah pek, who couldn't stand up on his own and told him to sit down. Haha! But he let Mingxian off soon and let Wangyi sit on the wheelchair so that he can demonstrate how to go up an obstacle like a step. Then, without warning, he tilted the wheelchair. Wangyi was obviously shocked when his legs went up and he quickly opened his arms to balance himself. His expression was so funny and the LT is laughing their head off.. The speaker then told us that we should inform the elderly before tilting the wheelchair. Wangyi and Mingxian receive a cute bear each for the demonstration. I personally felt that the speaker is a very good one who kept using humour to teach us what we should and should not do. When he taught us how to open up the wheelchair, he told us to be careful of our fingers or else we will join his society... It 's like these things can be remembered more clearly after the laughter. After his talk, I am confident of handling an elderly in wheelchair now...
Yesterday channel 8 also screened the finale of tiao zhan zhuang yan bang (scholar of scholars) with my uncle and dad in it. My dad was too defensive this time round and didn't manage to qualify for the 3rd round. But his overall performance was still commendable. Well done dad!

Ah bing || Wednesday, July 27, 2005