Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Chess Raffles Cup ::My Pet Hamsters ::My Days in Army

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The radio 958 game
Joining radio 958 game
The father's day game
Ci Ji
My dad
We won the RAFFLES CUP!!!
A day before my competition
Making dumplings
Psychometric test

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_Raffles cup photos

Prize presentation by the RJC principal. The Raffles Cup is actually made of glass and is only put in the champion team school for 1 year. Ha, just stole it from AJC. Hope our juniors will be able to defend the cup next year!

NJC chinese chess team 2005. The trophies include (from left) girl individual trophy-8th, boy individual blitz (5min) trophy-1st and the rest are boy team champion trophies. What a good harvest! Cough! Cough! Hey, I can't breath!

Grandmaster playing with the champions (a total of 8 people) at the same time. I was sitting at the most right (argh, can't see my face clearly).

Ah bing || Thursday, June 30, 2005