Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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_The day when we have our live pistol firing

I was actually looking forward to this day when we can fire pistol. Even the firing of GPMG (general purpose machine gun) wasn't as fun as not many people will get to learn pistol. I find it quite "cool" as I think about how the people use their pistol on TV and in movie. When I shoot in the IMT ( simulator), I got an average of nine out of ten for every position. So I was thinking, hmm, I got a little chance of getting something now- best shooter. Getting best in something got a plague and a day off, so I was looking forward to the live firing.
On the actual day, the first time I shoot, I got only one of ten. My whole practice was basically screwed up, getting 13 out of 40. However, I learnt the correct technique from Staff sergeant Mark and did much better in the test, scoring 44 out of 50. However, it is not good enough as the two best shooters scored 47 out of 50 and went for another round. Hai, never mind, hope I will get another chance to shoot if I can get into ZPC.
Something unpleasant happened in the live range too. Warning had been given to us again about the pistol being a more dangerous weapon than the rest. I had finally understand why. Pistol, being a short weapon, can being swing easily. So, if the firer talk to a person behind, the pistol will swing to the side too. What happen to my friend who sleeps beside me in my bunk is that he said that he squeeze the trigger and no more bullet came out. However, the sergeant behind him told him and there is still one more round left. Subconsciously, he squeeze the trigger again and a bullet went 45 degree to the side. He was scolded very badly for that and was banned from firing the actual test, which might cause him to be out of course. I think that this is a very important lesson for all of us. Often, we would do things subconsciously especially in the morning when we are tired. However, when it comes to very important or dangerous thing, no matter what, we must stay hundred percent ALERT. My friend would have killed somebody if the pistol swing more to the side. I hope that nothing much would happen to him. Guard duties is unavoidable but I hope that he would not be charged or placed out of course. May god bless him...

Ah bing || Saturday, April 29, 2006