Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Yesterday, we went to visit one of my grand-aunt. Before we went, I was thinking, "Sian, another boring trip." We only went to her house once every year, during the Chinese New Year period. Her house is just a normal HDB flat and I found the trip to her house boring cos there is no one near my age to talk to nor is there anything to play. The only purpose that I go to her house is to collect hongbao.
However, it is not the case this year. This year, her house contains 4 cages, with around 15 hamsters. They are rather small in size and is only around a quarter of the size of hamsters that I have kept as pet before. (Later I found out the reason why? Cos these hamsters are called dwarf hamsters which I discovered from the internet.) My grand-aunt told me that her friend gave her a few hamsters to keep as pet and they multiply rather quickly. She then opened up the cages for us to play with the hamsters. I then started playing with one baby one with very light-coloured hair. It is abit scare initially, staying still for some time. After that, it became rather active and kept running about my hands. My grand-aunt, after seeing us having fun playing with the hamsters, decided to give us a pair. She put them in a box, with some food and tissue inside, and reminded us to take good care of them.
The next day, we went to buy a cage for the hamsters. At the pet shop, I immediately saw the one that I like. It is a double storey one with everything that is required inside. It costs $35 but my mum managed to bargain until $30. We also bought the saw-dust and hamster food. The hamsters obviously like their new home. They can be seen running about the cage and running on the wheel moments after they were placed in. Dwarf hamsters, I discovered is quite an easy pet to keep. I just have to change the saw-dust, top up its food and water and bath them once a week. It can be easily done within ten minutes. The best part is that they do not smell at all. It is an ideal pet for a person who do not like to commit too much time on pets like me...
For pictures of my hamster, click here.

Ah bing || Wednesday, February 01, 2006