Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Today, Greenlink had a combined enrichment together with the DV club and lion dance troop. This is for us to get enrichment pt which is part of the CCA pts. Due to chess training, I missed the lion dance part but I had indeed learnt something from the DV club.
From the DV club, I learnt about how to position the camera and the meaning behind. Like when we shoot a person from bottom, it will show that the person is of a high authority. When we shoot a person from the top, it will show that the person is timid. I also learnt abt the focus pts... But as for the editting of video, I already learnt it in Cat high. So it is just a recall...
When I went to the garden, I was shocked to find it in such a bad state. My chilli plants r half dead and weeds r growing until as high as the plant. It's really sad. It shows that the duty rooster isn't working at all. Last year I was helping Chengyang and even though I was only on wed duty, I watered the plants at least 3 times a week, each time around 4 big pails of water. This year, I was in-charge of bird-watching com so I didn't have the time to help out in gardening. Now the garden is in a mess. What I worry more is that the J1 who is taking over are not even confident to do as good as Chengyang. The elects running for gardening head can't even name 5 plants in the garden when I can easily name at least 8. And Mrs Cheng is going to give us another plot for garden. Felt a bit worry that the new exco won't be able to cope.
Anyway, back to the enrichment, Mingjun did an intro about the soil. It was my first time hearing about this and I learnt something new today from greenlink. =) But overall, the lesson only lasts for around 15 mins. We didn't plan much and all of them was planned last min. We could have introduced more about each plants in the garden. Should be able to do so after memorising them for the nature trail. But overall I felt that this enrichment was quite a success. We learnt things from one another while earning CCA point at the same time. It's killing two birds in one stone. Ha!

Ah bing || Thursday, June 02, 2005