Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Yeh, I enter team A
My dad got zhuang yan (1st)
Summing up this week

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I noticed that recently there are a lot of moths around Singapore. I saw them in school and in my flat everyday. Is it their session now?
Ha, yesterday night I truly understand a fact that butterfly are straight minded and only fly towards light. This butterfly flew into my room yesterday while I was reading a storybook. It flew around my light. I tried to chase it out but somehow it seems to like my light so much that it wouldn't be chased out. I then remembered reading an article before that butterfly if placed in an empty transparent bottle will fly around in that bottle until it died of exhaustion since it saw light around the bottle. Since I was going to sleep, I wanted it out of my room as I was afraid that it might come to disturb me when I was sleeping if it didn't see any light and couldn't fly out of my room. I went to switch on my sis's room (which was empty since she was sleeping with my parent) light and switch off my room light. The butterfly then flew to my sis's room and I then switched off my light and went to sleep.
My mother told me this morning that the butterfly was still in my sis's room this morning as my sis's room windows were not open. Ops, didn't realise it the night before. It had saw some light through the window and was trying it best to get out of the room. It was very tired when my mum saw it and she immediately opened the window to let it out...

Ah bing || Saturday, May 28, 2005