Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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Yeh, I enter team A
My dad got zhuang yan (1st)
Summing up this week
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Opening ceremony of my cousin's shop

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_Chess election & GL Interview

Today, we have our chess club election. For those running for president, vice president and secretary, we have 5 candidates of which 2 from my chinese chess section, 2 from i chess section (but from cat high). And each of us have 3 votes so means that I can't support all of them. So I listened to their speech and select 3 of them. Dianyang from my section got elected. I felt that he did rather well for his speech with some of the present president's attitude too. Liangyuan did not do as well since he did not answer a few qns that the audience posted. But he got elected later for section leader though he got lesser J1 votes because he got all the 3 J2 votes (as he was better-bonded with us since we went through a competition before).
As for the greenlink interview, we have a good chat with the J1 elects. It was rather fun especially we asked all of them a qns that if a water snail and a frog fall into a poison water, which one will u save first? It was just to test their reaction and most of them really got stunned. But we noticed that most of them chose to save the snail as it seemed weaker in the 2. When we asked them who do they think is the best president and they all chose junying. It's like junying already brainwashed them. Kevin was the most funny one. He was a very shy person and normally wouldn't speak up one. He was super low-confident. When answering qns, he was shy and always covering his face. It was really comical. As for junying, he was too ambitious. He said that he will do ...... but we find a few of them really very hard to implement. He also admit that he was bad-tempered. The teacher in the end decided that he can't be the president anymore. The interview ended around 9pm, which was the latest time I leave school this year so far...

Ah bing || Wednesday, May 25, 2005