Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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_Opening ceremony of my cousin's shop

Today is the opening ceremony of my Yisheng tang ge (cousin)'s shop. He opened the shop together with one of his friend after working with my biao ge (cousin)'s shop for a few years. His partner is once a member of a lion dance troop and today they came down to cai qing for free. A total of 5 lions came down today. This is my first time seeing a shop's cai qing live instead of from tv drama. I would say it's a total different experience from watching it from tv drama. The ceremony tales place over 40 mins and my ears were almost deaf from the loud noise of drum and cymbals. There is quite a big crowd gathered when the ceremony started.
Firstly, the 5 lions went into the shop and went around it. I notice that they moved backward when stepping out of the shop later but don't know the reason (anyone can enlighten me?). At this point, the name of the shop is still covered. After that, 1 lion jumped up and bit a lettuce hanging just in front of the shop name. It then uncovers the cloth covering the shop name.
Next, the lion started "eating" the oranges on the floor and arranged a word everytime it "eats" a pair. The words formed is sheng yi xing rong (may your business blooms). The final tray consists of pineapple, lettuce, a dozen oranges and sweets. The people under the lion skin must be shocked to find so much things on the tray that the back guy signals to a person standing nearby and he activated a second lion to help. The 2 lions sat side by side. It takes them 6 mins to finish that tray and the lions "spit" orange skins, lettuces and sweets during this period.
After the ceremony, we had a buffet. And gosh, there is a wide variety of food. My plate is filled entirely with food even though I only took one of each type.
I have uploaded the photos at:

Ah bing || Sunday, May 01, 2005