Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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This week is earth week. On mon, we gathered in the oasis very early in the morning. We then went to atrium to set up an exhibition.
During the assembly, we had an opening ceremony. The first thing is a pub stunt. At e beginning, we had a flower man. The story is very simple abt the flower dying and then an investigater goes to investigate the flower. However, the flower man is really very funny. The entire school was laughing at him but he didn't seem to mind and even waved to the school. This pub stunt is so far the best one by greenlink. A successful pub stunt is one that is able to attract the attention of the crowd and this one indeed did. The principal then threw the different colour balloons to the crowd in which the crowd is supposed to support for us by hitting the balloons to the back. But the wind is so strong that all the balloons were blown towards the left. People at the back also don't want the playing of balloons to end by hitting them back to the front. It's only until the command for school song was given before we stopped.
After that, we went to witness the planting of a small tree by Mrs Cheng at the science block. The plant is provided by our ex-ex-senior. They made it as if it's a big event and have a few photographers taking photos of the event. Students having practicals in the first period were all witnessing the event too from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th storey of the science block. The tree was not looking good after it was planted. And when I went to look at it on wed, it looked as if it was dying. Hmm, maybe the plant is not adapting well to the new environment. That's what happen to my chilli plants at first. After a chilli was used for cooking, my mum threw the seeds into a flower pot. And all of them survived. Imagine 24 seedlings in a flower pot of radius 8 cm. It's super overcrowding and we decided to transplant them in the spice garden. All of them looked like they were dying after a week. However, they survived after a month and now they were bearing flowers, so we can expect chilli fruits soon. Let's hope that the tree will survive too...
Other activities include second-hand book sale and the fashion parade. Ha, for the fashion parade, thomas got sabo by me. There is no one to wear the design done by our group during the greenlink camp's fashion parade. And then, zhi xiu wanted me to wear. When i came up with a few excuses (that even i found them not valid), thomas was forced to wear. Then, I helped to dress him up (ha, i am so bad). He had to wear a skirt made from magazines and a crown made from wire and flowers. He told me that he regretted wearing it after zhi xiu and i finished dressing him (he did not know how the design looked like beforehand). Peiling shifted the venue to the canteen and all the students in the canteen saw the parade. It's even more pai seh for thomas when his friends noticed him and came forward to talk to him. A round of applause for thomas for his sacrifice for greenlink.
The earthweek finally came to an end today with all the giving out of prizes.

Ah bing || Friday, April 29, 2005