Hey, it's me!

name_leng wei bin

:: Know that ::
birthday_30 may 1987

:: Education ::
previous schools_fuchun pri, catholic high, national junior college

:: Raves ::
food_chicken rice, KFC, roast suckling pig
past time_swimming, playing chess, bird watching
lucky no_5
color_light blue

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Welcome to my blogs! Here lays some of my memories and reflection in my daily life both pleasant and unpleasant......

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_The week

Things that happens this week:
1) Our group has almost completed the design a game project, leaving only the oral presentation. Great! We r quite fast compared to other group.
2) Principal leadership talk. The 4 steps of the FISH philosophy: 1) Play 2) Make Their Day 3)Be Present 4) Choose Your Attitude.
3) Grade 2 for PW. The releasing of PW result was quite a shock. The school suddenly announce at 11+am through the PA system for all J2 to go to the hall at 1.20pm to get the PW grade. It's like no mental preparation before that. The result is expected as my group is not outstanding and I did not perform well in OP QnA. All my group members got grade 2. Only Charmaine, Caleb, Dax and Bai Fan from the class got grade 1. Junjing's group(slackest group) saw 4 out of 5 of the members getting grade 3.
4) This week also saw Ms Vignesh been very harsh to the class, when the VP presented a list of latecomers of the class to her and 5 of the classmates been "excorted" to the assembly area by Mr Gelbert Lee for staying in the classroom during morning assembly. Now she wants attendance marked at 7.40 sharp every morning in the assembly area. Students with pub stunts or other reasons must inform Charmaine or Mark beforehand. Hai...actually doesn't affect me much since I reach school at 6.50 every morning and always the 1st few to get into the row. But it is sad that such policy has to be implemented which shows that Ms Vignesh had totally lost trust in us...
5) The dance groups have been doing very well with the Indian, Malay, Chinese dance all getting gold with honour. And the best part is that our dances didn't get gold with honour before and suddenly we got 3. Now the pressure is on the western dance group. Hope they get it too...

Ah bing || Friday, April 15, 2005